“We Feed The Planet Philippines” – Never Heard!

This is a lesson in publicity – or failing in that, anonymity.

There is a Slow Food Youth Network Philippines but I didnot know that – and I am a very wide reader, spending many hours on the Internet every single day, blogging daily!

47 years ago, I was a copywriter for PR genius Tony Zorilla in his Makati firm Pacifica Publicity Bureau under Creative Director Nonoy Gallardo, who taught us much. (And I never stopped writing.) One good lesson now is: Come up with something unforgettable that many people will associate with your product.

Today, in the Philippines, Chooks-to-Gois very much memorable as a ready-to-eat chicken. The name itself is as if a slogan: “chicken to go.”

Today also, I’m looking at an international campaign emanating from Turin, Italy: “Terra Madre Salone Del Gusto.” 1stLesson: Not a memorable name, sorry. 2nd Lesson: There is noEnglish translation! Who can remember Italian names?!

My literal translation: “Mother Earth Salon of Gusto.” My free translation as a copywriter: “Mother Earth of Good Taste.” That could have attracted a million earthmen with good taste!

Browsing, I learn that “Terra Madre Salone Del Gusto” populates the world as “Slow Food Network” with no explanation! (Hence “Snail of Approval,” above image) So, is this a movement for earthmen of good taste or people who love food grown slowly, naturally? Mysteriously, it’s not explained!

Yes, there is the “Slow Food Youth Network Philippines” (SFYNP). This news I get is that the SFYNP conducted its first-ever “We Feed the Planet” event to celebrate Terra Madre 21-22 November 2020 “on the Facebook page of the Slow Food Youth Network Philippines.” No explanations. The celebration was virtual, not physical.

The Slow Foodwebsite says (07 October 2020):

We Feed the Planet Philippines is a union of young farmers, youth food advocates, chefs, gastronomes and individuals that promote a sustainable lifestyle through good, fair and clean food. They do this at the local level and aim to encourage everyone to reinforce Slow Food principles in the midst of this global pandemic.
(lower ima
ge[1] from Slow Food)

Never heard!

And what are those principles? Here are the “Slow Food Principles[2](Slow Food Southbay):

(1)   Sustainability– “recognizing the interdependence of people with one another and with our environment; caring for the land and protecting biodiversity… promoting pure food that is local, seasonal and organically grown.” (That is why I put up there Chooks-to-Go – the chickens are wholesome, raised without antibiotics, without growth-accelerating hormones applied.)

(2)   Cultural Diversity – “recognizing food as a language that expresses cultural diversity.”

(3)   Pleasure and Quality in Everyday Life – “respecting and supporting artisans who grow, produce, market, prepare and serve wholesome food.”

(4)   Inclusiveness– “dedicating ourselves to local cooperation and global collaboration.”

(5)   Authenticity and Integrity – “insuring our values are embodied by all staff, board members and chapter leaders, manifesting these values in all of our events, projects and publications.”

An excellent list! And what projects have been or are being carried out to any and/or all of the above? Nothing said! Sad.@517


