Maria Ressa, Nobel Peace Prize 2021 Winner – Why Not Your Journeys In Journalism Pleasing To You And Others? My Challenge In Peace: Journalism As Foods For Thought & Stomach!

Maria Ressa, Filipina Nobel Peace Prize 2021 winner, CEO of Rappler, may this 81+ blogger invite you to journalistic joy you have never experienced before?!

No, Ms Maria, to tell with a straight face President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr – “We’re not your enemies” – is not enough, because then Rappler journalists continue their tough Truth Journalism whose output/s will not pass even the 4-Way Rotary Test for the social truth!

Instead of Truth Journalism, I offer you my invention: THiNK! Journalism. THiNK! “True + Helpful + Inspiring + Necessary + Kind!” (I wrote about it 2 years ago; read my Profile on my blog Towards A New Eden, That should inspire Rappler’s journalists to discover happy reporting where they have never found joy before! Please publish Peace!
(“Peace Journalism” image from

On record, in the last 100 years of the UP System, I speak as the 1st and singular winner of the “Outstanding Alumnus for Creative Writing” award given to me 2011 by the UPLB Alumni Association.

I have been blogging since 2000. All self-taught, my digital skills are: writing, editing, desktop publishing, photography, blogging. I can produce a whole new magazine issue singlehandedly, up to pdf copy for commercial printing.

Why not a monthly magazine, with Maria Ressa as Publisher and Frank A Hilario as Editor In Chief?

My digital skills will come in handy. The magazine will be for home (females) and farm (males). Being an agriculturist, my territory would be “Regenerative Agriculture” – as this farming practice guarantees healthy foods and healthy pockets.

I call the magazine Culture Agriculture.
Slogan: “Happy Homes, Happy Farms.”
Why Agriculture?
“Farming is the biggest job on earth” – BASF.

It remains the biggest challenge to journalism!

Rappler will take care of “Happy Homes” and I “Happy Farms.” (Try now my 29 Oct 2020 essay, “Regenerative Farming – Enriching The Soil Enriching The Farmers,” Towards A New Eden,

We are building our own “Brave New World!” The anthem of the magazine will be:

Science journalism with a human face.

Thank you, ex-Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, Director General (DG) of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), for coining the phrase “Science with a human face” for the institute, and bringing ICRISAT from dead last (kulelat) to #1 among the 15 CGIAR international agricultural centers, which include IRRI. How do I know all that? I was writer from home (WFH), for ICRISAT 01 Jan 2007 to 31 Dec 2014, when he retired after 15 years as DG.

Challenge, Ms Ressa: How to bring PH Agriculture from dead last (kulelat) to #1 among the 10 member states of the Asean? We will help with Culture Agriculture journalism! I will be WFH, focused on Regenerative Agriculture, Thinking Man and Machine – Challenge to our thinking selves!

“We celebrate those who choose to inquire and examine” –
Amrie Cruz, (
“We celebrate those who choose to inspire and advance!” –
Frank A Hilario.@
